tap tap tap…Is this thing on?
I’ve been away for awhile. I had to deal with something before I could write about it. And I couldn’t write about anything else, since this was more important and impactful than the other things that popped into my head.
Without further ado, allow me to introduce Violet.
When I went to the neurologist, he was concerned about how I was walking with a cane and thought I could really mess up my back. So he recommended going to physical therapy and getting a rollator. I smiled and said sure, it made sense. After I left the office, my inner voices went to war.
Now it’s time for me to introduce you to my inner voices. First, meet Kiki. She’s rational, calm, sensible, practical, and reasonable. Then there’s Lizzie. She’s the perpetual 4-year-old who leads with her emotions and does not really care what makes sense.
Kiki: The rollator will help me to move better and be more independent. I will be taking better care of my back and be less likely to fall.
Lizzie: I don’t wanna look like some decrepit old lady when I walk around! I don’t wanna be getting worse! I don’t want it!!!!
Kiki: I can walk around more confidently. I will be able to carry objects to meetings without dropping them or falling. And I’ll be able to get lunch in the cafeteria without taking a second trip back to grab my drink.
Lizzie: I don’t want it…wait, there’s one in purple? Purple’s cool. But do I really want to have purple all of the time? Blue would match the car, and even show off my school colors. And I could trip it out with all sorts of stuff…But I DON’T WANT IT!!!!
Columbus Day was a work holiday for me, so I headed to the medical supply store before I could talk myself out of it. I moped and pouted the whole way there, but Kiki reminded me that waiting wouldn’t make it any easier to do. While the saleswoman was showing me the rollators and pointing out the sale section, my inner voices went to town.
Kiki: The sale brand is the same brand I saw at the physical therapist, so that’s a good sign. And after all of the online research I’ve done, I know the price is excellent.
Lizzie: The blue one looks fine…PURPLE! There’s a purple one in the sale area! And it’s cute! That’s a rockin’ shade of purple. Blue is yucky.
When I caught myself smiling and referring to the rollator as “her” (instead of “it” or some really obscene names), I knew I had to get it. Then it was time to focus on the next important thing – naming her. Yes, I name my vehicles. My previous car was called Goldie, because she was gold. (Yes, I know that was not creative AT ALL.) When Goldie finally died, I got a little more creative and called the new car Blue Steel, from Zoolander. I kept going back to the movies for inspiration. My older son saw Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory at after-school care, and I immediately thought of my favorite line from that movie. “Violet, you’re turning violet, Violet!” So she’s Violet.
So where am I now? Mostly in like with Violet. She does make it easier to get around, and her seat and pouch allow me to carry things. I haven’t fallen. I still have my moments of sneering at her for being an old lady cart, but those are fewer and fewer.
Great article. How much harder is it to push the 4-wheel rollator vs. the 3-wheel rollator. I have been looking at these for my mother: http://www.shoppingblox.com/rollators. Do you recommend and one over the other? Thanks.
I’ve never tried a 3-wheel rollator, so I can’t offer an informed opinion.