Tomorrow is the first PTAA meeting at my older son’s new school. Instead of Parent Teachers Association, it’s a Parents, Teachers, and Administrators Associaion. I’m attending a new parent coffee and will have an opportunity to sign up for various committees. I got anxious earlier today about how I’m going to stick out like a sore thumb. It will be obvious that I’m not your typical PTAA mom.
A few minutes later I smiled. I’m not your typical PTAA mom, so when the other parents see me, they won’t be expecting me to be!
It’s like that movie Bad Moms. You’ve got your devoted PTA moms who chair committees and volunteer for everything. Then you’ve got the moms who are barely holding it together and can barely juggle the other things in their lives. I definitely fall into the second category.
Don’t get me wrong. I am definitely not knocking the devoted PTA moms. I admire and respect these ladies immensely. In many ways, I wish I were more like them and had the time and energy to commit to such a worthy cause. I just know myself well enough to know that I don’t fit that mold.
I’m not going to use my mobility issues as an excuse not to get involved. There are a number of events where all hands will be needed on deck. I can tell them that I will participate but need an assignment that doesn’t require standing or walking, and that’ll be fine with everybody.
Sometimes I appreciate having a mobility aid, because I don’t have to explain. I don’t have to convince anyone that there’s a medical reason I can’t do some of the things that others can. They can trust I’m being honest, instead of trying to shirk responsibilities. Obvious can be easier.